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How-To Generate SP Collect Data from Unisphere

–         Login to the Unisphere console

–         Select the array you want to collect data from




–         Click on the “System” tab, then click on “Generate Diagnostic Flies – SPA” under the “Diagnostic Files” section on the right.






–          Click YES to generate the SP Collect Data for SPA






–         Click on “OK” to confirm the success of the process






–         Now click on “Generate Diagnostic Files – SPB” under the “Diagnostic Files” section on the right.






–         Click YES to generate the SP Collect Data for SPB






–         Click on “OK” to confirm the success of the process






–         Click on “Get Diagnostic Files – SPA






–         The SP A – File Transfer Manager Window will appear.

  • 1st– sort the files by date with the most recent date at the top by clicking the top of the “Date” column.
  • 2nd– Highlight the “zip” file.  (Depending on your array – your file may not start with “APM” but with a different set of letter.  Regardless, the rest of the file name will be followed by a series of numbers_SPA_date_time)
  • 3rd– Select your destination directory where you want the file saved to.  (Use something easy to find like c:\)
  • 4th– Click the “Transfer” button below the list of files





–         Click on YES to confirm you want to transfer the file.






–         In the “Transfer Status” window – look and wait for the file transfer to report successful. (This may take a minute or so)  Once the transfer is successful click OK.





–         Click on “Get Diagnostic Files – SPB






–         The SP B – File Transfer Manager Window will appear.

  • 1st– sort the files by date with the most recent date at the top by clicking the top of the “Date” column.
  • 2nd– Highlight the “zip” file.  (Depending on your array – your file may not start with “APM” but with a different set of letter.  Regardless, the rest of the file name will be followed by a series of numbers_SPB_date_time)
  • 3rd– Select your destination directory where you want the file saved to.  (Use something easy to find like c:\)
  • 4th– Click the “Transfer” button below the list of files




–         Click on YES to confirm you want to transfer the file.






–         In the “Transfer Status” window – look and wait for the file transfer to report successful. (This may take a minute or so)  Once the transfer is successful click OK.





–         Open up Windows Explorer or whatever file manager you use and go to the destination directory where you downloaded the files to.  Verify the SPA and SPB .zip files are there.
