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This Article describes the procedure to do Factory defaults in Brocade Silk Worm 200E SAN Switch.

Step-by-Step Procedure

Perform these steps in order to do factory defaults Brocade Silkworm 200E SAN Switch through console port of switch:

  1. Perform these steps in order to establish a console session to switch:Connect one of the supplied DB-9-to-DB-9 adapters to the PC serial (COM#) port.
    • Connect one of the supplied DB-9-to-DB-9 adapters to the PC serial (COM#) port.
    • Connect the other end of the supplied DB-9 connector to the RS-232 management port on the switch.

Note: The RS-232 management port is labelled CONSOLE.

Brocade Silk Worm 200E SAN Switch

    • Launch HyperTerminal on the PC.

Terminal emulation software enables communication between the storage router and your PC during setup and configuration. The terminal emulation software is frequently a PC application such as HyperTerminal or Putty.

    • Choose these settings:
      • Bits per second: 9600
      • Data bits: 8
      • Parity: None
      • Stop bits: 1
      • Flow control: None

200E SAN Switch

2. Reboot the switch with Power reset and login as admin (default Password: password).

  • Clearing configuration.
    1. SAN-switch#switchdisable
    2. SAN-switch#cfgdisable
    3. SAN-switch#cfgclear
    4. SAN-switch#cfgsave
    5. SAN-switch#configDefault
    6. SAN-switch#switchenable
    7. SAN-switch# reboot

Check the configuration.

  • SAN-switch#cfgshow
  • SAN-switch#zoneshow