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Data center Hardware Assets – Servers, Storage & Networking Equipment, are provided by OEM. Our Third party support tackles the time, complexity and duplication issues that you can face when starting or growing a business. The recent trend towards hybrid support (OEM & Independent) is popular as OEM’s pricing methodologies demand a significant increase in maintenance charges as the hardware ages.


First, to optimize cost, Fortune 100 customers used Third party maintenance as support for their environment. Also, Navigator System maintain stable data center Environment to help invest for the future.

·       Cost Benefits:

1.     To quantify, TPM pricing is 40-70% higher side than OEM pricing

2.     DID YOU KNOW for OEM will increase the price of POST WARRANTY hardware monthly? The older the server or storage device more the cost whereas Third Party Maintenance just the opposite almost reduce the support price as hardware grows older.

3.     For better investment & Establishment of relationship, discuss Maintenance Cost Vs Risk Migration

·       Flexibility:

1.     OEM exists to sell more. We exist to save your money and provide excellent service

2.     Flexible SLA are common

3.     Think about the complexity of adding/deleting equipment with OEM. If an asset not under support contract, OEM will take weeks of contract of contract adjustment before addressing failed system. Whereas in our service, “Fix First, Question Next” to address your productivity and worry about contract formalities later.

·       Service methodologies

1.     The spirit of OEM certified field Engineers in solving puzzles and client satisfaction is an important element of service style.

2.     OEM perspective is to sell the new product assets to the targeted audience. Whereas we have only service to sell. Therefore the perspective on quality are always rooted in whether or not the client is satisfied

Secondly, Easy to do Business is another reason for customer to think of Navigator system server support and storage maintenance that offers:

·       Business concierges – Personalized support and step-by-step guides tailored specifically for your Organization.

·       How-to Guides – Technical qualified Engineered to help you understand Issue Fix, Errors and patch upgrade.

·       My Business Navigator – an online tool that logs a call through what you need to do.

Hardware maintenance is considered as non-strategic IT spending and procurement that IT service professionals are low-cost alternatives than expensive OEM Contracts.

For more information about Navigator Third Party maintenance solutions. Visit us at www.navigatorsystem.com or call: +91 9986288377 Email: sales@navigatorsystem.com