Oracle Solaris Operating System Interview Questions
Oracle Solaris is a proprietary Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems earlier SunOS in 1993. In 2010, after the Sun acquisition by Oracle, it was renamed Oracle Solaris. Solaris is known for its scalability, especially on SPARC systems, and for originating many innovative features such as DTrace, ZFS and Time Slider. Solaris supports SPARC and x86-64 workstations and servers from Oracle and other vendors.
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Some of the few Oracle Solaris Operating System Interview Questions are below
What Is An Alternative To The “top” Command On Solaris in interview questions?
# prstat –a
Is It Possible To Create Swap In New Hard Disk Without Format?
“ No “ without label the drive, you can’t do anything
Is It Possible To Edit The Crontab Using Vi, It Is Not Recommended But It Is Possible By Editing?
- # vi /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
- The command to edit the crontab is #crontab -e
What Is Mean By Paging & Server Average Time in Oracle sun server?
If a disk shows consistently high reads/writes along with , the percentage busy (%b) of the disks is greater than 5 percent, and the average service time (svc_t) is greater than 30 milliseconds, then one of the following action needs to be taken
Cannot Open ‘/etc/path_to_inst’” ?
System can not find the /etc/path_to_install file. It might be missing or corrupted and needs to be rebuild.
To rebuild this file boot the system with -ar option :
ok>boot -ar
Press enter to select default values for the questions asked during booting and select yes to rebuild /etc/path_to_install
The /etc/path_to_inst on your system does not exist or is empty. Do you want to rebuild this file [n]? y
system will continue booting after rebuilding the file.
How Will You Comment Error Line In /etc/system File ?
# Vi /etc/system
(To comment the error line in /etc/system files, we have to use *)
What Is Difference Between Incremental Backup And Differential Backup?
Incremental: Only those files will be included which have been changed since the last backup.
Differential: Only those files will be included which have been changed since the last Full backup.
How Many Ufsdump Level?
0-9 level
0 = Full Backup
1-9 = Incremental backup of file, That have changed since the last lower level backup.
What Is Different Between Crontab And At Command?
Crontab: job can be scheduled
At: Job can be a run once only
Difference Between Ufs And Tar Command?
- Used for complete file system backup.
- It copies every thing from regular files in a file system to special character and block device files.
- It can work on mounted or unmounted file systems.
- Tar:
- Used for single or multiple files backup.
- Can’t backup special character & block device files.
- Works only on mounted file system.
Syntex To Execute A Ufsdump ?
# ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/1
To Check The Status Of The Media Inserted On The Tape Drive from Oracle Operating System?
# mt /dev/rmt/0 status
How Will You Take Ufsdump And Ufsrestore In A Sing Command Line?
# ufsdump 0f – /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 | (cd /mnt/haz ufsrestore xf -)
What Is The Physical Device To Check The 2 Nodes Connect In Cluster by oracle system administrator?
Physical fiber cable which is connect to the 2 nodes is called a HTEARTBEAT
Where Will Be The Configuration For Metadevice?
Explain Raid0, Raid1, Raid3 in Oracle Solaris Operating System interview questions?
RAID 0 Concatenation/Striping
RAID 1 Mirroring
RAID 5-Striped array with rotating parity.
- Concatenation: Concatenation is joining of two or more disk slices to add up the disk space. Concatenation is serial in nature i.e. sequential data operations are performed serially on first disk then second disk and so on. Due to serial nature new slices can be added up without having to take the backup of entire concatenated volume, adding slice and restoring backup.
- Striping: Spreading of data over multiple disk drives mainly to enhance the performance by distributing data in alternating chunks – 16 k interleave across the stripes. Sequential data operations are performed in parallel on all the stripes by reading/writing 16k data blocks alternatively form the disk stripes.
- Mirroring: Mirroring provides data redundancy by simultaneously writing data on to two sub mirrors of a mirrored device. A submirror can be a stripe or concatenated volume and a mirror can have three mirrors. Main concern here is that a mirror needs as much as the volume to be mirrored.
- RAID 5: RAID 5 provides data redundancy and advantage of striping and uses less space than mirroring. A RAID 5 is made up of at least three disks, which are striped with parity information written alternately on all the disks. In case of a single disk failure the data can be rebuild using the parity information from the remaining disks.
What Are The Daemons In Nis Server?
What Are Processing Daemon In Nis?
How To Boot The Oracle Sun server from Solaris System In 64 0r 32 Bit Kernel?
For 64 bit:
# eeprom boot-file=”/kernel/sparc9/unix
OK printenv boot-file
OK settenv boot-file kernel/sparc9/unix
For 32 bit:
# eeprom boot-file=”/kernel/unix
OK printenv boot-file
OK settenv boot-file kernel/unix
Which Command To Lock The User Account?
# lk username
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